50% or less of a note identifiable as United States currency is present and the method of mutilation and supporting evidence demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Treasury that the missing portions have been totally destroyed.More than 50% of a note identifiable as United States currency is present.Under regulations issued by the Department of the Treasury, mutilated United States currency may be exchanged at face value if: Mutilated currency is a note that has been damaged to the extent that one-half or less of the note remains, or its value is questionable and special examination by trained experts at the Department of the Treasury or the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) (Off-site) is required before any exchange is made. Mutilated Currency and Bent or Partial Coin Currency Procedures Savings Bonds for Financial Institutions.Security and Resiliency Assurance Program.Account Management Information for Seven-Day Accounting Resource Center.FedLine Direct Message Environment and Configuration Change Matrix.FedLine Direct File Environment and Configuration Change Matrix.FedLine Command Environment and Configuration Change Matrix.End User Authorization Contact (EUAC) Support.Savings Bonds For Financial Institutions.

FedPayments Reporter Service for Check Services.FedDetect Duplicate Treasury Check Notifier Service.FedCash Services via the FedLine Web Solution.FedPayments Reporter Service for FedACH Services.Premium Accounting Information Services.